Friday, November 21, 2014

Get 21+ Leads a Day on Instagram

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Instagram is a social media platform that’s been around since October 2010. Facebook acquired Instagram in April 2012 for approximately 1 billion dollars in cash and stock.  In 2013, Instagram grew by 23%, while Facebook, its parent company, only grew by 3%.

Why Online Marketers Should Consider Instagram to Promote

Simply put, Instagram has a very high volume of users, and is growing at an insane rate.  Other attributes include the following:

  • Instagram is a phone app that works with Android and iPhone phones
  • Mobile capabilities for convenience
  • 200 million monthly users
  • 70% of Instagram users log in at least once a day
  • 200 billion posts
  • 60 million photos posted daily
  • 7.3 million daily users
  • 8500 Likes per second
  • Owned by Facebook

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The strange thing about Instagram is that it’s being grossly underutilized by Internet Marketers to promote their businesses.  Why is that?  Your guess is as good as mine.  Perhaps no one has ever come up with an effective strategy to market on Instagram, I don’t know.  One thing I do know is that Internet Marketers can turn Instagram into a gold mine.  That being said, there is a very effective strategy for promoting your business on Instagram that I’d like to share with you.  Check out the video below.

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There is no doubt that Instagram has massive engagement among its users, which is an Internet Marketer’s dream.  The time is now to take full advantage of this great platform to put a major charge in your marketing efforts.  Don’t get left behind.

Motivational Video of the Day

If you liked this content, please “like and share”.  Your comments will also be appreciated.

Wil Smith
Office – 312-912-9397
Email –
Skype – duggiedog

P.S.  To find out what I did to solve the Internet Marketing “puzzle” once and for all, go here!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How to Make Better Videos

Hello everyone.  I attended a webinar hosted by one of the true Internet Marketing giants last week.  His name is Ray Higdon.  I’m sure that there are many among you who know who he is if you’ve been in the Internet Marketing realm for any reasonable length of time.  The topic he was speaking about was on how to make better videos.  I’m going to share a few tidbits with you.

The 3 Step System

Before I get into the 4 components for better videos, I want to tell you about the ILT method.  As Ray Higdon explained it, ILT stands for the following:

  • I – Invest:  Invest time and money into your growth with courses, webinars, books, coaching calls, and the like.
  • L – Learn:  Go through the materials you invested in and take notes.
  • T – Teach:  Teach what you’ve learned to your audience using your notes as a source.

If you use the 3 step system above, there will be no end to the content you can come up with for your blogs, videos, articles, social media posts, or anything else you might need content for.  Case-in-point, I’m writing this very blog post using the ILT method.  I will never run out of ideas.  It’s also very important to write content and make videos that will answer people’s questions.

The 4 Components of a Great Video

The 4 components of a great video are as follows:

  • Intro – You should tell your audience who you are.
  • Question - Start off with a question that addresses a problem that they may be experiencing (i.e. “Hi, I’m ___________, and would you like to learn how to make better videos so you get more leads but just don’t know how?  Stick around and I’ll share a simple 4 step system”).
  • Content – Teach about your subject based upon your notes.
  • Call-to-Action – Get you audience to do something (i.e. “If you got benefit, feel free to share and comment, and if you want to get better at generating leads, click the link below!”)

If you follow the steps outlined in the ILT method and the 4 components of a great video, you should start producing outstanding videos on a more consistent basis with no worry of ever running out of ideas for content.

I hope you found this content helpful.  If you liked what you read, please share and comment on it.  I’d love to hear what you have to say.  If you are struggling to generate leads, I invite you to click on the link below for the solution to your problem.

Motivational Video of the day

If you liked this content, please “like and share”.  Your comments will also be appreciated.
Wil Smith
Office – 312-912-9397
Skype – duggiedog

P.S.  To find out what I did to solve the Internet Marketing “puzzle” once and for all, go to this link:

P.S.S.  For FREE training on how to add easy 5-10 leads per day to your business with Instagram... for FREE, go here!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

It’s been a Long Time Coming

Hello my fellow marketers!  My name is Wil Smith.  Perhaps some of you have read my posts on another blogging platform.  Well, I decided to go with Blogger for many reasons.  Highest among them is because it’s a free platform that integrates with all the Google components, like Google+, Gmail and YouTube.

Who Am I?

I want to start my first post on this platform by telling you a little bit about myself.  Again, my name is William Smith.  I was born and raised on the south side of Chicago, IL.  Presently, I live in South Holland, IL, which is a south suburb of Chicago.  I’m single with no kids, but I enjoy a very active social life.  My music fetish is Jazz, and Chicago is a wonderful place to be if that’s your passion.  It’s also a great place to come if you like to eat many varieties of excellent food.

I started Internet Marketing out of necessity.  I was laid off my job on June 11, 2010 after 23 years as a Telephone Service Technician.  I found it very hard to find another job during that time because the economy was so bad, as I’m sure you all know.  So I tried my hand at other things, such as:

  • Used Car Salesman (May God forgive me)
  • Insurance Salesman
  • Home Inspector
  • Photographer

I could not generate the income I needed with any of those things, and I absolutely hated being a Used Car and Insurance salesman.  Sales; any kind of sales is just not my thing.  I just don’t like the idea of pounding and pounding on some poor soul, and spitting in their face until they finally say, OK… OK I’ll buy the friggin’ 1971 Ford LTD for $5,000.00, just leave me alone!!!  Sometimes you have to do what you believe is the morally correct thing, no matter what the cost.  So I gave up on selling used cars and insurance.

My Journey

I found myself at a cross-roads.  I was 52 years old when I got laid off.  I was making a pretty good living at the time averaging $60K to $64K per year over the last few years.  I was living very comfortably at that time.  Now that my income had been abruptly cut off, and the other things I tried didn’t seem to work out either, I thought to myself, what am I going to do?  Enter Internet Marketing.

At some time during the summer of 2012, I decided to try Internet Marketing.  Having done some research on it in the past, I knew this was a way that I could make a lot of money in a relatively short time; or so I thought!  Knowing what I know now, I have to amend that statement to say, I knew this was a way that I could make a lot of money in a relatively short time if I do it properly.

My initial experience with Internet Marketing was a learning experience to say the least.  I tried many different opportunities and got cheated and scammed repeatedly.  I lost thousands of dollars.  I remember entering a search term on Google, “legitimate home business” only to find the same cheaters and scammers were coming up in the search results.  I was at my wits end!  What was I going to do?  I was determined to make this Internet Marketing thing work, but how?

I had to go back to a principle my mother (she’s 93 years old, thank God) taught me as a kid.  She said, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”  So that’s what I started doing.  I realized that even though the programs I bought were scams, I managed to get some value out of them anyway in terms of education.  There seemed to be consensus among them that one of the most important things you can do to be a successful Internet Marketer was to educate yourself continuously.  I ran with that strategy, and slowly but surely I began to catch on.  Then all of a sudden some of these opportunities I had considered to be scams didn’t seem so scammish anymore.  I began to see that I just didn’t know enough about the business to succeed the way I was supposed to.

As I continued to learn the business, I began to see the potential for substantial earnings.  I knew I wasn’t quite there yet because I was still making peanuts, but I knew I was on the right track.  Then it hit me!  I finally found the right training that got me headed on a collision course with success.  Gradually, but at a much faster rate than before, I began to see significant improvements in my results.  I was making money!  Finally!!  At this point, I’m not in the millionaire’s club yet, but at least now I consider it a legitimate thought.  I have every confidence I’ll get there sooner rather than later.

I hope this post has inspired you struggling Internet Marketers out there to do what it takes to improve yourselves through marketing and mindset training.  Internet Marketing is a very good way to make a fantastic living from the comfort of your home, or the beach, or the park, or wherever.  I wish each of you all the success and prosperity you can stand, and I hope I’ve inspired you to push a little harder to achieve your goals.

Motivational Video of the day

If you liked this content, please “like and share”.  Your comments will also be appreciated.
Wil Smith
Office – 312-912-9397
Skype – duggiedog

P.S.  To find out what I did to solve the Internet Marketing “puzzle” once and for all, go to this link: