Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How to Make Better Videos

Hello everyone.  I attended a webinar hosted by one of the true Internet Marketing giants last week.  His name is Ray Higdon.  I’m sure that there are many among you who know who he is if you’ve been in the Internet Marketing realm for any reasonable length of time.  The topic he was speaking about was on how to make better videos.  I’m going to share a few tidbits with you.

The 3 Step System

Before I get into the 4 components for better videos, I want to tell you about the ILT method.  As Ray Higdon explained it, ILT stands for the following:

  • I – Invest:  Invest time and money into your growth with courses, webinars, books, coaching calls, and the like.
  • L – Learn:  Go through the materials you invested in and take notes.
  • T – Teach:  Teach what you’ve learned to your audience using your notes as a source.

If you use the 3 step system above, there will be no end to the content you can come up with for your blogs, videos, articles, social media posts, or anything else you might need content for.  Case-in-point, I’m writing this very blog post using the ILT method.  I will never run out of ideas.  It’s also very important to write content and make videos that will answer people’s questions.

The 4 Components of a Great Video

The 4 components of a great video are as follows:

  • Intro – You should tell your audience who you are.
  • Question - Start off with a question that addresses a problem that they may be experiencing (i.e. “Hi, I’m ___________, and would you like to learn how to make better videos so you get more leads but just don’t know how?  Stick around and I’ll share a simple 4 step system”).
  • Content – Teach about your subject based upon your notes.
  • Call-to-Action – Get you audience to do something (i.e. “If you got benefit, feel free to share and comment, and if you want to get better at generating leads, click the link below!”)

If you follow the steps outlined in the ILT method and the 4 components of a great video, you should start producing outstanding videos on a more consistent basis with no worry of ever running out of ideas for content.

I hope you found this content helpful.  If you liked what you read, please share and comment on it.  I’d love to hear what you have to say.  If you are struggling to generate leads, I invite you to click on the link below for the solution to your problem.

Motivational Video of the day

If you liked this content, please “like and share”.  Your comments will also be appreciated.
Wil Smith
Office – 312-912-9397
Skype – duggiedog

P.S.  To find out what I did to solve the Internet Marketing “puzzle” once and for all, go to this link:

P.S.S.  For FREE training on how to add easy 5-10 leads per day to your business with Instagram... for FREE, go here!

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